Zero-Waste Program & Tsubomi Park
Meet the Eco triplets at Tsubomi Park every 10th, 20th and 30th days of the month. Help them clean up the park and receive one of these three random items:
* Eco Scoop (エコスコップ) - use it with your Tama-pet in your garden for a surprise!
* Eco Bag (エコバッグ) - Save up to 50% when you shop at Tama-Depa!
* Eco Car (エコカー) - Use this car to unlock the Eco Town (エコタウン) destination!
Eco Town
Upon visiting Eco Town, you may receive one of these items:
* Sun Tomato (たいようトマト) - will be found in your fridge
* Fork Carrot (ふたまたにんじん) - will be found in your fridge
* Ice Cream (ほくしょうソフト) - will be found in your fridge
* Fresh Cheese (できたてチーズ) - will be found in your fridge
* Wheelbarrow (リアカー) - will be found in your item inventory
* Solar Panel (たいようでんち) - will be found in your item inventory
* Source: Tama-Zone