To obtain a part-time job, do any of these between 7am - 10am:
* Tsubomi Park: Visit the park 10 times or more
* TamaDepa: Shop at the TamaDepa and buy 2 or more items
* Tamamori Shop: Shop at the Tamamori and buy 2 or more items
* Music Cafe: Eat 10 or more cafe items
Then visit the park (between 7am - 10am), a blue character will appear and offer you a job in one of the places listed above.
List of all you can obtain working 30 hours at one area (Obtain one at a time every 30 hours, random).
Bud Park (つぼみこうえん)
● Police Uniform (Clothing) (けいかんふく)
● Patrol Hat (Accessory) (パトロールぼう)
TamaDepa (たまデパ)
● TamaDepa Costume (Clothing) (たまデパいしょう)
● TamaDepa Hat (Accessory) (たまデパぼうし)
Tamamori Shop (たまもりショップ)
● Hanger (Toy) (ハンガー)
● Cash Register (Toy) (レジ)
Music Cafe (♪カフェ♪)
● Maid Outfit (Clothing) (メイドふく)
● Maid Accessory (Accessory) (カフェアクセ)
* Note: sending your character off to work is not a pause feature. During that time your Tamagotchi's stats will go down, and once either its happy- or hunger meter gets empty, the Tamagotchi will get back from work to its home and will need your attention. The same rule applies also to when your character is a toddler / teenager.
* Source: Tama-Zone