Tamagotchi Plus Color - Seeds

To plant a tree, activate the treasure chest icon, then select the first menu entry. Scroll through the inventory items shown in this catalog until you reach the seed package you're seeking, and then select it. You can have only one tree growing at a time. After you've harvested a tree, you can plant another to replace it. You only have to purchase a seeds packet once, as they do not get used up.

Source: Tamagotchi Wikia


Mystery seeds - You get a free package of these in your inventory when you start a TMGC+C.

Money (you get a one-time payout of 500 GP, 1000 GP, or 2000 GP on the day it ripens).
Grown from mystery seeds.

Grown from mystery seeds.

Grown from mystery seeds.

Hair bow.
Grown from mystery seeds.

Grown from mystery seeds.

Grown from mystery seeds.

Grown from mystery seeds.

Grown from mystery seeds.

Tamatebako (aging box).
Grown from mystery seeds.

Grown from mystery seeds.

Artist's palette.
Grown from mystery seeds.

* Note: Some items can be used only by certain characters.

In November 2008, a special DVD was available from McDonalds in Japan. A TMGC+C password (17140 03794) for a package of McDonalds seeds was hidden among the video clips on it.

McDonalds seeds package.

McDonalds hamburger tree, grown from McDonalds seeds.

A Japanese BBS listed a password that's related to the 2008 Tamagotchi movie. It gives you a package of HapiHapi seeds.

HapiHapi seeds package.

Heart tree, grown from HapiHapi seeds.

That same Japanese BBS listed an Exile password. It works on the regular TMGC+C. The item it gives you is a package of letter seeds.

Letter seeds package.

Letter tree, grown from letter seeds.

Sometimes a tree dies before it fully matures. According to the TMGC+C Guide Book, if your character's happiness is low on the day the tree matures, there's a 50% chance the tree will die.


If you purchase the "NyokiNyoki" bottle from TamaDepa and use it on a sapling, it will grow into a full size tree in a few seconds.

If you can't afford the "NyokiNyoki" bottle, you can cheat. Set the clock to 6:59 AM and wait one minute. As soon as your character has woken up, check your tree. Repeatedly do this until your tree is full grown.

You can go outside to check your tree by pressing the B button while no icons are lit.

* Source: Tama-Zone