Tamagotchi Plus Color - Lucky Items

  • Rainbow (use the rainbow watering can; obtained from lottery)
  • Shooting star (use the telescope on a clear night)
  • 4-leaf clover (use the magnifying glass during nice weather)
  • Popsicle stick (eat blue popsicle)
  • Tea (drink Japanese tea)
  • Heart-shaped cloud (appears out side during nice weather)
  • Hapihapi (eat a HapiHapi heart)

Note: it usually takes multiple (and I mean like a LOT) tries before you obtain a certain Lucky Item. The only one that you get right away is the HapiHapi one - your character only has to eat one HapiHapi heart. 

After you have collected all of the Lucky Items, a secret location will be unlocked - the castle of the Gotchi King. There you can play a game and win up to 500 Gotchi Points instead of just 100 that you get for winning one of the 3 regular games.

Source: Tamagotchi Wikia

The Lucky Items that you have gathered will disappear when you start a new generation. This means you will have to collect all of them after your old character leaves.

* Source: Tama-Zone