How do I know which version I have?

It's really simple, actually. The best way to tell if you have a P1 / GEN 1 or a P2 / GEN 2* is by looking at the background. 

The P1 / GEN1 has a checkered background:

Source: TamaTalk

And the P2 / GEN2 has a wavy background:

Source: TamaTalk

Q.: How do I know if I have an English or a Japanese version?
A.: If it is turned off, and you have no packaging, you cannot tell which one it is. However, if your Tamagotchi did come in packaging, have a look below.

Japanese packagings

Kuchipatchi on the screen means it's a P1.

Source: Google Image

Hashizotchi on the screen means it's a P2.

Source: Google Image

European packagings

If it has Kuchipatchi on the screen and pink / purple instructions behind it, it's a GEN1. 

Source: Google Image

If it has Hashizotchi on the screen and blue / teal instructions behind it, it's a GEN2.

Source: Google Image

American packagings

Purple / pink top of the box means it's a GEN1.

Source: Google Image

Blue top of the box means it's a GEN2.

Source: Google Image

P1 and P2 are Japanese
GEN 1 and GEN 2 are English