P's - Unlocking New Destinations + Unlocking New Icon Backgrounds

Once your character becomes an adult, you will be able to collect its puzzle pieces. First three you will obtain by giving it its favorite meals and items, the 4th one appears by its own after 48 hours from the moment your character evolved into an adult.
When you get all 4 puzzle pieces for your character, this character gets saved in the book icon (first option).
The numbers shown below indicate how many characters you need to obtain (get saved in the book icon) to unlock the certain destination / icon background.


4 = Amusement Park (ゆうえんち)
10 = Dream Beach (ドリームビーチ)
        Get a chance to win one of these items:

  • Hanabi Set
  • Beach Ball
  • Watermelon
15 = Dream Fountain (ゆめみのいずみ)
20 = Observation Deck (てんぼうだい)


7 = Pink Ribbon

18 = Rainbow Shooting Stars
25 = Colorful Balloons

* Source: Tama-Zone + Carleesi Chan